Spiral Question

When do we stop seeing innocence?  A fawn was born in my backyard over the weekend. When I oened the backdoor I startled the mom, she ran off leaving the fawn to wobble to this location. Deer are not an unusual site around here. I always see them with a mix of...
Ahh…Yes!  Parting Ways

Ahh…Yes! Parting Ways

I used to do whatever it took to preserve relationships. Then, when I first saw the martial art, aikido, my eyes slammed open. It hit me that ‘doing whatever it takes’ is a great disservice to myself and others.  (Aikido provides a model of conflict mastery in which...

Spiral Question

What if you heard the whispers? I find the whispers hold the most significant messages. Though, life tries to bribe my attention elsewhere. What whispers? My intuition trying to warn or guide me The silent pain of another person wanting to ask for help but unable to...