What questions are you asking?


Voltaire wrote that we should judge a man by his questions, and not his answers.

Bring your questions down to earth and ask!
This is a prominent element to Spiral Impact!

As a white person in summer 2020 questions are particularly important:
What is it be like to be black in America?
What actions or things have I done that support the problem or feel racist to you?
What stands in my way of giving voice to those who can’t get heard?

So often people jump into explaining or telling before they have a clear understanding of the situation.
Ask a question first and you accomplish two things:

1.  Naturally acknowledge the other person or people
2.  Clarify the situation

OH, and if you can make this a habit it has a ‘centering’ and confidence building effect.

Warning: be careful using the question ‘why?’ 
Read about the two sides of ‘why’ here


Develop Power with Grace. 
Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect.
The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence –
Spiral Question poses a question semiweekly, Monday and Wednesday.
 If you’d like to receive this in e-mail register here.