Who has an opposite viewpoint as yours?
How willing are you to see his or her view?

By Jack Gisel unsplash.com


Seeking an opposing viewpoint is a great way to expand your perspective, knowledge, and connections for the best innovations.

It can be difficult though.  Spiral Impact tips for success:

    1. Be clear about your intention – is it for learning, seeking the best solutions, collaborating,
      or changing his viewpoint?
    2. If your intent is to change his viewpoint – STOP! He will feel your intent and resist.
    3. Being Centered is crucial to avoid getting hooked in.
    4. Stick to asking open-ended questions, avoiding asking “why?” questions.

For extra credit just listen and forget about sharing your point of view – let me know how it goes!


Develop Power with Grace. 
Asking thoughtful questions is one aspect.
The best questions foster understanding, spark innovation, diffuse negative conflict, and build influence –
Spiral Question poses a question semiweekly, Monday and Wednesday.
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